All eleven episodes of the Tales of Symphonia anime are now available on the official Tales YouTube channel. These OVAs came out between 2007 and 2012, with ufotable the animation studio behind them. Other anime that ufotable worked on include Tales of Zestiria X, Demon Slayer, and Fate/Zero.
Though there are eleven episodes in total, the Tales of Symphonia animated adaptation actually consists of three separate OVAs. There are four episodes in Sylvarant Episode, four in Tethe’alla Episode, and three in The United World Episode. Like the anime version of Tales of the Abyss, the Tales of Symphonia OVA is a fairly faithful adaptation of the work, and does not include much in ways of original developments. The episodes have English subtitles as well, so an international audience can enjoy them.
Talesanimated adaptations have not always been the most faithful to the source material. Ufotable’s Zestiria X included some alterations to the story at the expense of certain characters, for example. Eternia straight up did not even adapt the game, focusing instead on an original story and original characters. Phantasia also only adapted about half of the game.
The Tales of Symphonia OVAs are available for free via YouTube with English subtitles. You can play the gameTales of Symphonia on the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC.
Published: Apr 5, 2023 12:00 pm