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Best Spells to Use in Grimoire Groves

Grimoire Groves touts itself as a cozy rogue-lite. Instead of mowing down adversaries with fire and steel, your special magic convinces the plant-life to take root in the forest. There are 21 different spells in Grimoire Groves, and only three spell slots for you to equip them. With such a small active moveset, choosing the right spells can make even your worst runs a rollicking success. Here’s a quick list of the best spells to use in Grimoire Groves, with brief explanations as to why!

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Best Spells to Use in Grimoire Groves

Spells in Grimoire Groves aren’t power-scaled. Instead of increasing damage, every spell behaves in a different way. Some spells will follow enemies around. Others must be laid out like traps for enemies to walk into. There’s even spells that can move enemies around in different ways! As such, the best spells to use in Grimoire Groves aren’t necessarily the strongest ones. It’s all about the combination of short cooldowns, utility, and damage output.

Magical Gust

It may surprise you to learn one of the first spells you can unlock in Grimoire Groves is also one of the best! Magical Gust’s power is unassuming at first. This spell pushes enemies in whichever direction you’re facing when it’s cast. It doesn’t deal the most damage. Pushing enemies this way and that doesn’t seem like a big deal. However, being able to move enemies around is one of the strongest tools at your disposal. Magical Gust is phenomenal when paired with Area-of-Effect spells that require enemies to stay in one specific spot.

You can push enemies into corners and walls, and then drop your more bombastic spells on top of them! Magical Gust is great for clumping enemies together in order to do this. Its short cooldown means you can cast it very quickly. These fast cast times means frequently stunning the enemies caught inside, and it can even cancel them out of attacks! If you’re having trouble getting enemies to stay inside the range of your spells, slap Magical Gust onto one of your slots.

Bouncy Mushroom

Don’t let Bouncy Mushroom’s long cooldowns scare you away from one of the most effective damage-dealing spells in Grimoire Groves. This spell allows you to place down up to three mushroom traps enemies can trigger by walking into. Having to lure enemies into a trap sounds tedious, but because they all move towards you to attack, this is almost effortless. What’s more, when the mushrooms are activated, they place down an AoE circle- and the damage of each trap stacks. Slower enemies have no chance against Bouncy Mushroom. You can walk right up to them, throw all your charges down, and watch them soak-in a ton of damage as you dash away!

Faster enemies don’t fare well against it either. They usually have less health, and a well-placed mushroom will take them out before they can reach you. With encounters in Grimoire Groves taking as long as they do, the 15 second cooldown on restoring a charge is borderline irrelevant! You’ll always have at least one or two ready to go against every group of enemies you charge into.

Triple Geysers

Like Bouncy Mushroom but with more placements, greater range, and better cooldowns! The only downside to Triple Geysers is their damage output and effective radius are smaller than Bouncy Mushroom’s. The upsides to using them more than make up for it though. This spell places three geysers of increasing size in a straight line in front of you. You might be wondering what the purpose behind this specific placement is. The answer? Long-range damage.

Hitting an enemy with the very tip of Triple Geysers will cause them to run after you. This means they’ll run into every other geyser along the way, taking big damage the entire time! You can have a maximum of three charges of the spell at any given time. In total, you can have nine geysers out at once, and their damage all stacks! Triple Geysers is essentially an obstacle course you can force your enemies to walk through. It’s even more effective against slower enemies who can’t move past each geyser point quickly enough to avoid damage.

Spell Synergies Are Important

The spells mentioned here are incredibly powerful when used together. They also pair well with other spells to form unique strategies! The best spells in Grimoire Groves are the ones you can build around to find your desired playstyle. If you want a great place to start, choose one of the spells listed above, and mix-and-match until you find something fun. Even the tamest spell in Grimoire Groves can turn into a powerhouse if it has good back-up!

Your spell options will be limited at first, but understanding how to unlock spells in Grimoire Groves can help you find your favorite builds quickly. As mentioned previously, spells in Grimoire Groves don’t get stronger, but you can amplify their damage by equipping charms.

Grimoire Groves is available now on Steam.

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GC Vazquez
GC is a freelance writer with a fondness for strategy games, life sims, and RPGs. Starting as an independent content creator in 2014, he has over ten years of experience writing about games. He loves Dragon Quest, One Piece, and has a love/hate relationship with the Like A Dragon series. He's also weak to ice attacks. You may have seen some of his other work at RPGFan.