Capcom has revealed prerequisites players will need to meet in order to access specific content in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Specifically, players will need to clear the main story of Monster Hunter Rise. This includes not only Village Quest progression, but also Hub Quest progression. Players will need to clear “Serpent Goddess of Thunder” at Hunter Rank 7 in order to access content in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. That appears to be the only prerequisite to accessing the Sunbreak expansion.
Consumers will be hearing more about the expansion through a Monster Hunter Digital Event. It will focus on the Sunbreak expansion and reveal new Hunter actions alongside monsters that will appear in the title. A new promotional trailer will also appear during the livestream.
The expansion will boast an entirely new Hunter Hub, along with several new monsters. These include the Garangolm, Lunagaron, and Malzeno. However, monsters from previous titles will return as well. The Shogun Ceanataur and Astalos are among the list of returning monsters that will appear in Sunbreak.
Monster Hunter Rise is available for PC and Nintendo Switch. Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak will release for PC and Nintendo Switch on June 30, 2022. A Digital Deluxe Edition is available to pre-order.
Published: May 6, 2022 07:30 am