In a new pfficial game update, Babylon’s Fall Producer Yosuke Saito explained why people saw FFXIV emotes and gear in the game. People expressed concerns after the closed beta test’s third phase. They recognized items from the MMORPG in the upcoming multiplayer game. Saito confirmed that the data is “borrowed” with FFXIV Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida’s permission.
Saito explained both how and why FFXIV emotes and gear are in Babylon’s Fall. He noted it was to help offer more for players. Yoshida then clarified that the action would help with the game’s budget. He also clarified there will be unique items in the game too. However, when Yoshida offered assistance at a meeting, the sharing of assets began.
Here is Saito’s full explanation from the Babylon’s FallHanging Garden website.
Now, I’d like to answer a question that’s been making its way around social media — “Isn’t this gear from Final Fantasy XIV?”
To get straight to the point: yes, Babylon’s Fall contains gear and emote data borrowed from Final Fantasy XIV.
When I gave my Babylon’s Fall presentation at a company meeting, Final Fantasy XIV Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida was also in attendance and offered his help, to which I replied, “Yes, please!” This is how the plan came to fruition. We then carefully implemented the data while closely coordinating with the Final Fantasy XIV team.
By borrowing data, we’ve been able to implement a much wider variety of gear and emotes in the game than we’d originally planned.
Just to be clear though, the visuals of most of the gear that players aim to obtain in-game are unique to Babylon’s Fall.
The data borrowed from Final Fantasy XIV was used for gear from the introduction to mid-level range of the game, which is why they were so prevalent in the Closed Beta Test.We apologize for any concerns this caused. We are working hard on the development of the game so as not to disappoint our players and appreciate your continued support.
And here is Yoshida’s statement about the appearance of FFXIV emotes and gear in the game.
When I first heard Mr. Saito’s plan for Babylon’s Fall, I thought to myself, “Ahh, so he’s making a hardcore action-based hack-and-slash game. I’m kind of jealous.” But at the same time, I thought, “Preparing all of the gear variations needed for the gameplay is going to be really difficult.” After all, a hack-and-slash game is far more enjoyable when numerous items and gear are available.
However, Babylon’s Fall is a brand-new title which entails new challenges, so we can’t give it an unlimited budget. This is a key point.
I myself am a huge fan of online games, a gamer, and a developer. That’s why I couldn’t be happier if Babylon’s Fall succeeds and reinvigorates Japanese online games while boosting the number of players in the genre. So, I said, “Let’s use FFXIV’s assets too. We have so many, it’d be a shame to limit them to FFXIV alone,” and that’s how it all started. Back then, I didn’t realize that it would become such a hot topic…
Of course, the subtle design changes and adjustments during their implementation into Babylon’s Fall will be fully supervised by the FFXIV team to ensure that they fit into its world.
Babylon’s Fall is in development for the PS4, PS5, and PC, and FFXIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC.
Published: Nov 25, 2021 12:30 pm