The Final Fantasy XIV PS5 open beta is about to begin and, to prepare,Lead Project Manager Shoichi Matsuzawa offered details on the PlayStation Blog about what people can expect from that version of the game. Matsuzawa also noted that the FFXIV PS5 open beta will still allow people to take advantage of the free trial and said, “If we do not see any critical issues, we plan to transition straight into official service.”
The majority of the announcement had to do what people can expect to see when they play FFXIV on a PS5. They will be able to have 1080p, 1440p, and 4K resolution options. It will hit 40fps at 4K and 60 during the other resolution options. The UI will have a higher resolution font and up-res menus. Haptic feedback will be present for DualSense users. The SSD also means faster loading times when teleporting. It will also use 3D audio for more immersive sound.
As for the PS5 FFXIV free trial during the open beta, it will be identical to the normal one. You can create a character and play up until level 60 as you go through the base game and Heavensward.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4 and PC. The FFXIV open beta will launch on April 13, 2021 and offer access to the free trial. If there aren’t any problems during the open beta, the full version will appear after.
Published: Apr 12, 2021 11:35 am