Fire Emblem Heroes will add some characters from Fire Emblem Engage to its roster, and Engage will return the favor in the form of gear. Fire Emblem Engage will feature the three Fire Emblem Heroes characters as “Bond Ring” items and weapons. The three characters to be featured are based on the characters Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena. They’re known among Fire Emblem Heroes players as the “Askr Trio,” as the three are associated with the Kingdom of Askr and the Order of Heroes, the player’s organization in the game.
Players who purchase Fire Emblem Engage will be able to link their Heroes account data via their Nintendo account. Upon linking, they’ll be able to claim a special item set containing the Fire Emblem Heroes characters gear. The gear takes the form of three Bond Rings and three weapons, each based on the Askr trio.
『ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ』をプレイしていると『ファイアーエムブレム エンゲージ』で使える、特務機関「ヴァイス・ブレイヴ」の武器や、「ヒーローズ」に登場する「アルフォンス」「シャロン」「アンナ」の絆の指輪が入手できます。#FEエンゲージ#FEヒーローズ
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) January 16, 2023
In Fire Emblem Engage, Bond Rings are special rings that are similar to the in-game Emblem Rings, in that they channel the power of a Fire Emblem franchise character. However, unlike Emblem Rings, they don’t actually summon the character themselves. Instead, Bond Rings typically enhance characters’ stats or sometimes let the character equipping it use a skill. The three Bond Rings based on Fire Emblem Heroes characters are each based on one of the Askr Trio, and are part of the “Order of Heroes” series.
- Alfonse S-Rank Bond Ring
- Sharena S-Rank Bond Ring
- Anna S-Rank Bond Ring
The weapons are also based on the exclusive weapons of the Askr Trio:
- Alfonse’s Fólkvangr sword
- Anna’s Nóatún axe
- Sharena’s Fensalir lance
According to the official site, the redemption process for the gear involves linking one’s Nintendo account to their Fire Emblem Heroes account (if you haven’t done so already), and then claiming a download code that can be redeemed via the Nintendo Switch eShop. The code activates the item pack DLC in Fire Emblem Engage, and also awards a bonus of five Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Fire Emblem Heroes is available on Android and iOS. Fire Emblem Engage launches worldwide on January 20, 2023 on the Nintendo Switch.
Published: Jan 17, 2023 10:00 am