Exhibits are the crown jewel of any museum. This is why you’ll want to accumulate exhibits in Two Point Museum, as they will encourage people to visit and donate money to your establishment. However, these exhibits will not just magically appear in your museum. Instead, you’ll have to travel the globe (and sometimes beyond the stratosphere) to obtain new exhibits. Some expeditions are fairly straightforward, and others require you to get items before you can even contemplate heading to that location. This guide for Two Point Museum will cover some of the basic fundamentals you need to know about expeditions.
How Do I Start Expeditions in Two Point Museum?
To start an expedition, you must access the museum’s business helicopter. To do this, you will have to wait for the aircraft to land on the helipad. Once firmly on the ground, click on the helicopter and select “Start Expedition”.
You will then be directed to a world map. When you have found an area you would like to travel to, click on it and select “Setup Expedition”. You should see the setup options for assigning crew members and cargo items. The crew members for these expeditions will be your staff, so we recommend hiring two members with the same discipline so there is never a conflict of sending someone out on a trip.
The setup page will also list the possible events that can transpire, depending on whether you pick a speedy, safe or detailed trip. Selecting the individual possible events will show you what skills or cargo items you can use to avoid these situations. We suggest the safe route for most of your expeditions, as it has the best chance of preventing an event, and it does not take too many in-game days for the crew to return.
Some locations, however, will require you to make cargo items at the Workshop Room. This will typically cost you a certain amount of money. For example, you cannot travel to specific locations in the Netherworld until you make a spirit key. When you are ready to go, select “Start Expedition”. You must then wait several in-game days for the crew to return. Once they do, a cargo box will be dropped where the helipad is. Open up this box, and you will gain a new glossy exhibit for your museum.
How Do I Recover from Injuries in Two Point Museum?
Even with the best intentions, someone will likely get injured at one point. If a staff member gets injured, you can use the bandage box in the Staff Room to help them recover. When you reach a certain point in the campaign, you can also upgrade this bandage box, allowing staff to recover from injuries much quicker.
However, recovery from other events may require heading to specific locations. For instance, if you want to heal your staff members from frogsworn, you must head to “curses, curses, curses” in the Netherworld. A good way of finding out what you need to do to combat the injury you have sustained is by looking at the location you travelled to and its event details.
Two Point Museum will be available on PS5, PC and Xbox Series X/S on February 27, 2025.
Published: Feb 27, 2025 01:45 pm