The Quematrice is a recurring monster that comes back in Monster Hunter Wilds, so if you’re familiar with the games you should already have an idea of how to handle one. In this entry, it marks a player’s first experience dealing with an opponent that uses the elements and can inflict a burning side effect. However, if you keep striking from behind at the start, you can help put this pyromaniac’s fire out.
Where do I find the Quematrice in Monster Hunter Wilds?
The Quematrice is the second monster you’ll properly fight in the Monster Hunter Wilds campaign. It’s in the Plains area, and that tends to be its exclusive home throughout the game. You’ll see it both during the campaign and during the postgame. I found it is most often going to show up during the day. It also will appear at the Wounded Hollow sometimes.
As with many encounters, an Optional Quest featuring the Quematrice opens up after beating one for the first time. That’s called “Fire Starter.” So you can always select that from the Quest Counter to face one.
How do I beat a Quematrice?
There are two specific areas I suggest you target when attacking a Quematrice. The first is the head and the second is the tail. However, approaching from the front is extremely dangerous, as the monster will inflict a Fireblight area of effect attack. This is very clearly telegraphed, as you’ll see it start to prepare the fire from its mouth and neck, then turn around and scrape with its tail to fan flames.
I recommend going for the tail first. It will stop its most dangerous attacks from happening, and it does tend to be fairly weak there. I used a Long Sword, and it didn’t take too long to remove it. After that, focusing on the head and neck with any kind of weapon works well.
Don’t ever use fire attacks, as they’re useless. But if you do have the ability to paralyze or poison it, that’s worth a try.
What are the Quematrice drops in Monster Hunter Wilds?
The most likely items you’ll get after defeating a Quematrice are a Quematrice Scale, Quematrice Hide, Quematrice Crest, Quematrice Tail, Quematrice Igniter, and Quematrice Certificate. The best ways to get the Quematrice Crest is to break the creature’s head, while severing its tail through repeated attacks will net you a Quematrice Tail.
The Quematrice Igniter is the rarest part. I found I tended to usually find one when carving up the body after a hunt finished. You’ll need that for equipment like a weapon, Quematrice Helm, Quematrice Mail, and Quematrice Braces.
Monster Hunter Wilds is available for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Feb 27, 2025 06:15 am