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How to Find and Beat Rompopolo in Monster Hunter Wilds

When we first step into the Oilwell Basin area in Monster Hunter Wilds, the monster there to greet us is the new Rompopolo. It’s an entirely new wyvern that is incredibly poisonous. Which means being ready to heal that status effect and damage the source of its toxins will help you survive.

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Where do I find the Rompopolo in Monster Hunter Wilds?

The Rompopolo is only found in the Basin area. It’s an incredibly common enemy! You’ll typically find it on the same layer as Azuz village, but it can be found in the depths as well. Your first encounter with it will be as you head into Chapter 2 of the campaign. But after that, it’ll be around basically for the rest of the game.

If you don’t feel like wandering around the Basin, tracking down its familiar icon, it’s also easy to immediately hop into a fight with it. Beating it the first time will unlock the Optional Quest called “Oilbasin Blast.” You can choose that at any time to face it.

How do I beat a Rompopolo?

Though it might look a little like a plague doctor when you first see it, Rompopolo reminds me most of a mosquito. It’ll jab you with that beak or slam that tail with the mosquito-like spike into the ground!

First, before you even head to the Oilwell Basin region in Monster Hunter Wilds, make sure you have Herbal Medicine and Antidotes on you. I honestly didn’t get poisoned too often, as it is possible to evade the Rompopolo’s AOE poison attacks and keep from getting the status effect. The major problem I had here was dealing with the black oil that can bog you down and hamper your movement in areas the monster likes to call home. 

Movement is a big issue in a fight with Rompopolos in general. First, you’re going to need to evade a lot to get around its poison and those explosions. It’s usually in areas filled with tar that are more difficult to move through. It will also perform a Weak Roar sometimes that can stun you. 

I suggest aiming for the Rompopolo tail, back, and head. Doing that can help with preventing it from using poison attacks, with dealing with the tail especially helping avoid more toxic elements. (You can also get a Poison Sac as a drop for destroying parts.) Aiming for the head in general isn’t a bad idea, as you can break it and the monster’s tongue will take more damage from attacks. You will start to see its sacs on the head and back start to inflate when it’s planning to use poison, so start striking or getting ready to dodge.

It also isn’t a bad idea to use water attacks on it. I also used Flash Pods and Paralysis-based weapons to blind and paralyze it. 

What are the Rompopolo drops in Monster Hunter Wilds?

To start, you’re always going to get one Rompopolo Certificate from fighting one. The Rompopolo Hide is the most common drop, which also comes from breaking the monster’s back. It also drops a Rompopolo Beak, especially if you break the head, Rompopolo Claws if you break the forearms, the Poison Sac from the tail, and a Spotted Poison Hide as another somewhat rare item. 

When it comes to armor, you only need a Poison Sac for the Rompopolo Vambraces. Those going for a full set should try for three Spotted Poison Hides, as the Rompopolo Mail, Rompopolo Coil, and aforementioned Vambraces all need it. The coil also requires one piece of Dragonite Ore, which can be found from mining spots in the Basin area. 

Monster Hunter Wilds is available for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC. 

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Jenni Lada
Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the systems she owns. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) You may have also seen her work at GamerTell, Cheat Code Central, Michibiku and PlayStation LifeStyle.