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How to Get a Dynasty Warriors Origins Volley Tactic Dramatic Success

Dynasty Warriors Origins gives players an auxiliary ability to command a small troop of soldiers. This squad can be grown over time, recruiting new units by finding them on the world map, completing side missions, and progressing the main story. You can utilize specific tactics abilities, rallying your troops into charging towards the enemy or defending a specific location. The larger your squad becomes, the more tactics you’ll unlock. Many tactics available to you have the potential to generate “Dramatic Success,” which you’ll need to complete specific officer training. One of the most straightforward dramatic successes you can achieve is with the Volley tactic. Follow along to learn how to get a Dynasty Warriors Origins volley tactic dramatic success.

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How to Get a Dynasty Warriors Origins Volley Tactic Dramatic Success

You’ll gain access to squads some time in Chapter 2 as part of the main storyline. When unlocked, you’ll automatically receive Volley as your first tactic. Volley, as the name implies, musters your troops to draw their bows, and fire a volley of arrows at a specific location in line-of-sight. Controls for tactics are a little confusing at first, but here’s how it works. You hold down the tactics button (Left Trigger on controller), and press the face button corresponding to the tactic you want to use. When selecting Volley, a white, glowing circle will appear on your location. While still holding down the tactics button, move the circle to the area you want to attack, and press the confirm button. This will initiate the tactic.

Dramatic Successes for Volley are easy to achieve, but the conditions for doing so aren’t always available. To get a dramatic success with the Volley tactic, all you need to do is use Volley from higher ground than the enemies you’re firing upon. High ground is surprisingly uncommon in early chapters of Dynasty Warriors Origins, mostly due to the natural path you’ll take during missions, and maps are relatively flat. However, “high ground” is a bit of an exaggeration. Instead of looking for cliffs overlooking the battlefield, it’s possible to find a steep incline and aim your volley downward. Even if the enemy is at the bottom of a small hill, it should be enough to earn you a dramatic success. The photo below illustrates a feasible height to achieve a dramatic success.

After selecting Volley, look for blue lines that may appear. Those blue lines will lead to a three-arrow icon, indicating the location you can fire on to activate a dramatic success. Move your aiming circle to the icons, confirm your tactic, and watch your squad fire their volley. A sound effect will confirm your dramatic success, along with the camera focusing on your volley’s target. Dramatic successes are capable of dealing large amounts of damage- enough to take out enemy officers!

Make sure to exploit higher ground when possible to accumulate dramatic successes quickly. Keep in mind the height difference is much shorter than Dynasty Warriors Origins might imply. If you’re looking for more tips on how to complete other officer training objectives, check out How to Deal Dynasty Warriors Origins Twin Pikes Enhanced Final Blow. You might find How to Do a Dynasty Warriors Origins Battle Art Chain useful as well. If you haven’t gotten very far in Dynasty Warriors Origins, you might be wondering what those Old Coins are for. Read our guide on What to Do With Old Coins in Dynasty Warriors Origins.

Dynasty Warriors Origins is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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GC Vazquez
GC is a freelance writer with a fondness for strategy games, life sims, and RPGs. Starting as an independent content creator in 2014, he has over ten years of experience writing about games. He loves Dragon Quest, One Piece, and has a love/hate relationship with the Like A Dragon series. He's also weak to ice attacks. You may have seen some of his other work at RPGFan.