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How to get Coat of Arms in Vampire Survivors

The Coat of Arms allows players to choose specific starting weapons for select Ode to Castlevania characters in Vampire Survivors. Here’s every vampire killing tool you need to evolve to unlock Coat of Arms and how to use it.

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How do I get Coat of Arms in Vampire Survivors? All vampire killing tool evolution lines

To unlock the Coat of Arms in Vampire Survivors, you need to evolve the following “vampire killing tools:”

  • Whip + Hollow Heart = Bloody Tear
  • Axe + Candelabrador = Death Spiral
  • Cross + Clover = Heaven Sword
  • Knife + Bracer = Thousand Edge
  • Santa Water + Attractorb = La Borra
  • King Bible + Spellbinder = Unholy Vespers
  • Runetracer + Armor = NO FUTURE
  • Lightning Ring + Duplicator = Thunder Loop
  • Shuriken + Empty Tome = Yagyu Shuriken
  • Curved Knife + Bracer = Bwaka Knife
  • Iron Ball + Armor = Wrecking Ball
  • Hand Grenade + Candelabrador = The RPG
  • Javelin + Spellbinder = Long Inus
  • Discus + Parm Aegis = Stellar Blade
  • Silver Revolver + Karoma’s Mana = Jewel Gun
  • Wine Glass + Tirajisú = Meal Ticket

Once every weapon in the list above has been evolved at least once, the Coat of Arms allows you to choose any vampire killing tool as your starting weapon when playing as the following characters:

How to use Coat of Arms

To enable Coat of Arms, click any of the above characters on the Character Selection menu as if you were changing their costume. Once you start the run, a pop-up will appear that allows you to select a weapon of your choice.

What is a vampire killing tool?

Vampire killing tools are a subsection of weapons inspired by or directly from Castlevania that don’t fit into categories like Belnades’ Spellbook or Morning Star. A complete list of vampire killing tools includes:

  • Whip
  • Axe
  • Cross
  • Knife
  • Santa Water
  • King Bible
  • Runetracer
  • Lightning Ring
  • Shuriken
  • Curved Knife
  • Iron Ball
  • Hand Grenade
  • Javelin
  • Discus
  • Silver Revolver
  • Wine Glass

Svarog Statue, Hydro Storm, Troll Bomb, and Grand Cross technically also count as vampire killin weapons, but can’t be chosen through Coat of Arms due to being items.

You may have noticed that the lists in this article include characters and weapons you’ve yet to come across, even with every survivor seemingly unlocked. This is because Ode to Castlevania has an entirely secret second half that adds 60 more characters and opens up more of Dracula’s castle. Yes, I’m dead serious.

I won’t spoil everything, but you need to enter the “final” part of the Ode to Castlevania map as Richter Belmont to begin the path to unlocking Coat of Arms. Neither the Wine Glass nor Silver Revolver can be obtained without it — unless you use secret codes to unlock their respective characters early.

Vampire Survivors and the Ode to Castlevania DLC are available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and mobile devices.

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Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas has been writing about gaming professionally for over three years, and yapping about them unprofessionally since first picking up a Sega Genesis controller. Beyond his work at Siliconera, Thomas has contributed to gaming outlets such as PC Invasion, Attack of the Fanboy, and Gfinity. When he's not writing, you can find him pointing at an unknown object over on his Facebook page with over 152,000 followers.