Unlike other Dragon Quest entries, you actually create custom party members to act as your allies as you go through Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. It’s honestly a bad idea to go adventuring without at least three who can immediately fill out your party. Here’s how you get both the pre-made and the custom characters who can act as your party members in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.
How do I get party members in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake?
There are basically two options to get things done. One is very clearly explained after you meet Aliahan’s king. You’re directed to go to Patty’s Party Planning Place, which is one of the few buildings in town, and told to talk to Patty. She’s the person with blueish hair behind the counter on the far left on the first floor.
Going to Patty lets you pick up default party members in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. At the outset of the game, this means three level one characters who have names, appearances, vocations, and personalities already set. So when I started the game, I had Linus the Meathead Warrior, Merl the Slippery Devil Mage, and Pierre the Bodybuilder Priest as my three initial options.
However, there are more detailed options that let you customize characters every step of the way. For that, head up the stairs to the second floor of Patty’s Party Planning Place. There will be a generic NPC behind the counter in the upper left corner. Speak to this person. You’ll then be able to completely determine who these people will be.
You can select from the Warrior, Martial Artist, Mage, Priest, Merchant, Gadabout, Thief, and Monster Wrangler Vocations right away. You can also choose between Appearance A or B for a male or female body-type. From there, you can customize a character further by selecting one of four designs and their hair color. After that, you can choose to have the computer determine the personality or do so yourself by assigning five seeds that determine that ally’s stat growth.
Once you have folks, make sure you bring three with you to have a full party. I recommend having at least one Priest along as a healer, and it doesn’t hurt to have a Mage for magic!
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is available on the Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Nov 14, 2024 01:35 pm