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How to Make Copper and Iron Ingot in Longvinter

Longvinter is best described as an amalgamation of Animal Crossing and Rust. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the experience is that you can craft items that will help you survive the environmental terrain. Copper and iron ingots can be valuable resources in Longvinter, as they allow you to make several essential items, like an electric circuit board and sheet metal. To get your hands on these materials, you can either buy them from a merchant or make them yourself.

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How Do I Get Copper and Iron Chunks in Longvinter?

To make copper and iron ingots, you will want to obtain their respective chunk versions and then smelt them. This might sound elaborate at first, but it can become a very nice and brevity task when you know how to collect them. You’ll first want to buy a basic pickaxe from the NPC called Dan, who is wearing a yellow mining hat at the Sgt. Lake outpost. You can buy the basic pickaxe from him for 998 mk. This is the same location where you can buy copper, silver and iron ingots separately, although it will be a steep price.  

A great place to mine chunks is in the Repouuro Cave. It will, however, cost you 799mk to get there. Before you set off, make sure you stack some food, as mining will cost you energy, and food will replenish this. When you start exploring the cave, you will encounter many rocks. The bronze-looking stones will give you copper chunks, whereas the silver-looking ones will provide iron chunks. You can mine the rocks in the cave by holding down on the RMB (right mouse button), followed by a tap of LMB (left mouse button). While here, you will also want to collect coal chunks, as you will need this component for the smelting process. You should get them naturally as you mine the stones.  

How Do I Make Copper and Iron Ingots in Longvinter?

Once you have the materials from the Repouuro Cave, you will want to return to Dan at the Sgt. Lake outpost and buy the coal smelter, which will set you back 2,999 mk. Afterwards, return to your campsite and place the coal smelter outside your house. Deposit two coal chunks you have obtained with two corresponding chunks you would like to make an ingot of, then select smelt. Wait for both materials to smelt together, and you will get one ingot.

You can create a sheet metal by combining three iron ingots in the workshop. This material is used to make a lot of items within the game, so we recommend stacking these up, as it will become incredibly helpful to you.

Longvinter is now available on PC.

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