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How to Maximise Tours in Two Point Museum

The goal of any business industry is to make a profit. This is why tours are an incredibly valuable service to utilise in Two Point Museum, as you can make some serious cash if you start implementing them around your museum. However, tours will be based on five criteria, and depending on how much they’re upheld, it will dramatically affect the money you can make.

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How Do I Set Up a Tour in Two Point Museum?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to get the most out of your tours, let’s cover the basics. Tours will allow you to orchestrate a tailored guide for your guests in the museum, but this can only be carried out by an expert staff member. You will unlock tours when trying to achieve a 2-star rating at Memento Mile.

To set up a tour, go to the tab at the bottom of the screen and click on items. Look through the list of purchasable objects, and you will eventually come across a tour stand that costs $5,000. Buy the tour stand, place it in your museum, and click on the exhibits you would like connected to that tour.

At any point, if you want to edit what exhibits the tour visits, click on the tour stand itself, and an information box will appear. Press RB and it will take you to the designed guide tour page. You should have an option that says “Tour Setup”, allowing you to edit the exhibits. If you want to look at the feedback received from guests, press RB again, and it will take you to a page that states the positive and negative reviews generated.

How Do I Maximise Tours in Two Point Museum?

As we mentioned above, five things are considered when guests judge a tour’s quality:

  • Total Buzz
  • Average Quality
  • Decoration Rating
  • Cohesion
  • Length

The amount of buzz on each individual exhibit will determine the total buzz. There are many ways to increase the buzz on an exhibit, like decorations, buzz bonuses and equipping a perk. The second consideration is the quality of all the exhibits on the tour. Every exhibit’s quality is ranked, and including a low-quality exhibit can massively impact donations. We recommend always going on expeditions when possible to get better-quality exhibits.

The decoration rating is measured by how well your exhibits have been decorated. If you’re trying to boost the buzz on the tour, this one should come naturally. Cohesion is arguably the easiest and the hardest to implement. As the name implies, you will want all the exhibits to come from the same theme and subcategories. If you start mixing different historical disciplines, it will impact the score given at the end of the tour. Because of this, we suggest only ever having exhibits of the same theme.

The last one is relatively simple: it’s the length. You do not want your tours to be too long or to include loads of exhibits. Make sure the exhibits are relatively close to one another. We found the sweet spot to be 4 to 5 exhibits.

If guests see trash on the floor during the tour, it will impact the score, so hire plenty of janitors to combat this. It could also be a good idea to train the experts you assign to the tours with the “tour guideline” skill, as this will boost the buzz, donations, and knowledge given on the tour.

Two Point Museum is now available on PS5, PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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