Hix and Tengaar are two recruitable Stars of Destiny in Suikoden 2, and both are required to achieve the 108 Star ending. As a bonus, you’ll also unlock the “Manhood Ceremony” Achievement/Trophy for your effort on this somewhat lengthy side quest.
Before you can begin the quest to recruit Hix and Tengaar in Suikoden 2, you must have completed the Two Rivers section of the main story. If you’ve done so, go to Headquarters and travel by boat to Lakewest to the west.
How to recruit Tix in Suikoden 2
At Lakewest, enter the inn and talk to Hix and Tengaar on the right. After the conversation (you may need to speak to them twice), both of them will run off to train in Kobold Village.
Bonus: If you have a character from Suikoden in your party, such as Clive, you’ll get to witness extra dialogue before the two of them sprint off.
Exit Lakewest and walk southwest into Kobold Village. In the Kobold Village, you’ll immediately see Hix and Tengaar arguing. Walk further north into the village to trigger another event, then walk into the Village Chief’s tent and let another cutscene play out.
After the scene, choose any dialogue options when speaking to Hix and after waking up. When the option pops up, select “U-Uh, yeah, sure...” and Hix will join your party. Technically, he isn’t recruited at this point, so we’ll need to complete the quest and recruit Tengaar, too.
How to recruit Tengaar in Suikoden
Now you’ve recruited Hix, it’s time to complete Tengaar’s quest and cure her very real “Unicorn Curse” to recruit her. You’ll be traveling around the overworld a lot, so I highly recommend picking up the Suiko Map if you don’t have it. First up, the Blue Stone.
How to find the Blue Stone
Next, leave Kobold Village, sail back to HQ, then head south to South Window. Walk into the store and speak with the clerk, then go all the way back to Kobold Village and speak to the Village Elder.
How to find the Red Flower
Sail back to Headquarters and exit to the overworld, then head south and a little bit west into the Cave of the Wind. Enter the cave and you’ll see the Red Flower almost immediately. Finish the conversation and then head back to Kobold Village once again.
How to find the Green Bell
Enter Two River and stride into the Wingers’ District, walk up the steps, then take your first right and follow the path into the sewers. Follow the path, crossing both bridges, then head south and cross another two bridges. Watch the Kobold drop the Green Bell for Hix to pick up, then return to Kobold Village.
Unicorn Woods
Exit the Village Chief’s tent and enter the woods via the stairs to the right. Go north until you reach a split path. Take the west path, then all the way east into the next, and follow the path into another.
At the fork, take the bottom path and follow the path all the way around to find Tengaar and the kobolds. Let the scene play out, then select “Of course!” when Tengaar asks to join you to recruit her! After this, both Hix and Tengaar will join you permanently, and you’ll earn the “Manhood Ceremony” Achievement.
Suikoden I and II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.
Published: Mar 11, 2025 04:15 pm