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How to Unlock and Complete the Rookery Dungeon in WoW: The War Within

The Rookery is the first dungeon players will enounter in World of Warcraft: The War Within, assuming you follow the story quests. While it’s fairly straightforward, there are a few twists and turns that could trip up newer players, so here’s how to unlock and complete the Rookery Dungeon in WoW: The War Within.

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How to Unlock the Rookery Dungeon in WoW: The War Within

You can actually enter the Rookery dungeon as soon as you are able to make it to the instance portal, if you have a party ready to complete it with you. Otherwise, we recommend playing through the story questline until you reach the quest “Calling the Stormriders”, which will require you to complete the dungeon as part of the chain. Additionally, once you are level 71 you will be able to use the Group Finder feature to either find a group of other players or else enter with some NPC followers, should you want to take it at your own pace.

How to Complete the Rookery Dungeon in WoW: The War Within

Whether in a party of players or NPC followers, you’ll first need to clear the mobs lower down the ledge to secure some transportation. The only one to watch out for is Quartermaster Koretite, but he shouldnt give you much more trouble than the regular mooks. Once the way is clear, interact with the void cloud tethering the rooks and then ride one to the Rookery proper.

The big purple stormrook in the center will be the first boss of the Rookery, Kyrioss, but before engaging him you’ll want to clear all the trash packs around the side. Skip right to the boss and you’ll likely end up pulling them as this is a mobile fight. If you’re running with followers it’s a good idea to switch them to follow mode as you do this, but even then the pathing can sometimes end with them pathing strangely.

How to Defeat Kyrioss in WoW: The War Within

Before pulling the boss, you’ll want to spread your group apart as there’s a lot of abilities with splash or chaining effects. The main ability to watch out for is Lightning Torrent, which the boss casts once it gains 100 energy. The rook will fly to the center of the room and cast a large beam of lightning, spinning slowly anti-clockwise. The beam rotates faster as it channels and getting hit stuns you as well as dealing damage, but it’s generally easy to avoid even without movement abilities. On higher difficulties, however, Kyrioss channels more beams for longer but if you stick just behind one beam as it moves you should be safe.

On Mythic difficulty, the boss also casts a debuff that deals huge party wide damage when removed, and you’ll need to jump into the hole in the center of the room to dispel it more safely, though you’ll still take some damage. Other than that, be mindful of AoE’s on the floor and the occaisional knockback charge and you’ll be good to go.

Once Kyrioss is down you’ll need to jump through the hole, careful to land on the higher parts of the platform. Make sure to grab a feather to slow your fall before jumping further, and use the ability it grants to free a stormrook for a damage aura. After that its a long series of corridors before you make it face to face with Gorren, the next boss.

How to Defeat Stormguard Gorren in WoW: The War Within

Gorren, the second boss of The Rookery in WoW, is another fairly simple one. He has several AoE’s to avoid, but most are centered around him. Keep on your feet and get ready to move away or dodge void tornadoes, especially when he begins to suck you in. On Mythic difficulty the biggest extra step is that his Chaotic Corruption ability, a damaging debuff that bounces to a new player when it expires, leaves a vulnerability effect for 20 seconds as well. Try to make sure someone without the vulnerability is closest to the affected player when it expires so it bounces to them, but without getting within the 6 foot explosion radius.

Next is another jump, but there are no feathers this time so make sure you land in the water if you don’t have your own form of slow-fall. Once down safely, scramble up the fallen grate and clear the trash around the boss arena. You can also use the action button to have Vokmar stun a group of foes, though the effect takes a while to play out. Once all the channeling mobs are gone, the final boss of The Rookery appears.

How to Defeat the Voidstone Monstrosity in WoW: The War Within

The Voidstone Monstrosity has a couple more mechanics than the previous boss, with a few more provided by your companion Vokmar. Several of its abilities will spawn Seeping Fragments and Void Chunks, the latter of which you will need to be killed by damage dealers before they cast Reshape and become larger mobs. The Seeping Fragments are a little trickier, as the only way to clear them is to wait to be targeted by Vokmar’s Stomrider’s Charge. If you see yourself with the buff, run to where there are the most fragments and Vokmar will destroy them, while reducing the damage you take from them.

As for the Monstrosity itself, It will cast waves of energy to avoid and when it begins charging Unleash Corruption, everyone but the tank will need to get out of range. This skill deals damage and spawns Void Chunks on Mythic difficulty, but you need at least one person to remain in melee range so the boss doesn’t begin casting it’s party wide damage skill.

The boss will also shield itself with Void Shell, which players will need to whittle down without spending too many resources. This is because once it breaks Vokmar will deal a huge hit to the boss and stun it for 10 seconds, during which time you will want to hit it with everything you’ve got. Pour enough damage into it while keeping ahead of the adds, and the Voidstone Monstrosity will be ground to powder before you know it.

If you enjoyed this guide or found it useful, feel free to check out Siliconera’s other guides on where to find Profession Trainers in The War Within, or how to clear the Stonevault dungeon.

World of Warcraft is immediately available for PC and Mac, while The War Within expansion is available now in early access for owners of the Epic Edition. The expansion will launch in full on August 26, 2024.

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Elliot Gostick
Elliot is a staff writer from the mist-shrouded isle of Albion, and has been covering gaming news and reviews for about a year. When not playing RPGs and Strategy games, she is often found trying (and failing) to resist the urge to buy more little plastic spacemen.