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How to Unlock the Engineer Archetype in Remnant 2

Some Archetypes in Remnant 2 can be tricky to find, but the Engineer is well worth it. The Engineer Archetype is a powerful class that allows you use heavy weapons that can be set up as autonomous turrets. The class’s trait increases the value of equipped armor, allowing it to synergise well with other defensive archetypes like the Challenger and Medic to make the most of your effective health.

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How to unlock the Engineer Archetype in Remnant 2

The Engineer Archetype can be found in the second “hub” section of N’Erud in Remnant 2, usually in the Eon Vault or Formless Horizon. The item you need will be located around the edge of the map, hidden inside the deadly fog. You can use the Explorer Archetype and its ability to highlight treasure, but that Archetype is only obtained after beating the game once. So unless you luck into finding a fellow player willing to help you, players that want to unlock it early will be stuck searching the old fashioned way.

Luckily, it is still possible to get without the Explorer. You simply need to look for a specific rock fromation while exploring the edges around the map. I shared a screenshot of it below. It is essentially a large raised platform and a row of stalagmites-looking rocks with a small path between them

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From there you’ll need to dash into the fog until you reach a ledge. You’ll be stucking in a coughing animation for a few seconds, so wait until it subsides and then quickly hop over the gap. You’ll first find an engineer’s corpse you can loot to obtain the Engineer’s armor set.

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You then want to drop down a ledge to your left. There you’ll find the class item itself, the Alien Device, which you’ll need to grab before you succumb to the fog.

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You will likely die at this point, but as long as you grabbed the goods it’s nothing to worry about. While you can equip the armor set straight away the class requires one last step to unlock. Return to Ward 13 and talk to Wallace. Like other classes you’ll need him to turn the Alien Device into the Drzyr Caliper, the true class item that will unlock the Engineer Archetype for you to equip. You’ll need around 1000 scrap and 10 Lumenite crystals, which you can get from monster drops in the world. Then you’ll finally be able to utilise the destructive power of Remnant 2s Engineer class.

Remnant 2 is available on the PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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Elliot Gostick
Elliot is a staff writer from the mist-shrouded isle of Albion, and has been covering gaming news and reviews for about a year. When not playing RPGs and Strategy games, she is often found trying (and failing) to resist the urge to buy more little plastic spacemen.