While seeing what life can throw at your Sims can be fun in its own right, sometimes you have a specific plan in mind for them or simply want a bit of extra cash to set up their house. That’s where Cheats come in, so here’s a guide on How to use Cheats as well as a list of available codes for The Sims 2: Legacy Collection.
How to Activate Cheat Mode and Enter Codes in The Sims 2: Legacy Collection
Using cheats in the Legacy Collection is as simple as pressing Ctrl-Shift-C to open up the menu, then typing in the desired code. Press Enter and, if the code is valid, you should see the effect happen. Otherwise, you will likely see an error message in that small cheat box.
You no longer have to enter a code to enable cheats, however you can still use the code boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true to enable debug mode. While this option is enabled you can shift+click on your sim for extra options from setting their Aspiration Level to killing them outright. You can also use this to spawn certain cheat objects like the Sim Modder, which will let you change even more things like their Lifetime Want.
List of Cheat Codes in The Sims 2: Legacy Collection
Here’s a list of the simplest and most immediately useful cheats you can use:
- Expand – Expands the Cheat menu so you can see the history or error messages that appear.
- Help – Lists a collection of useable cheat commands. Add -all to the end to show every known cheat, or type a known code after it to see a description of what the cheat does.
- kaching – Grants the current household 1,000 simoleons.
- motherlode – Grants the current household 50,000 simoleons.
- familyfunds (family name) (x) – Add in your desired target’s family name and the amount you want them to have, and this cheat will set their money to that number.
- aspirationlevel (0-5) – Sets the current Sim’s aspiration level to the chosen number.
- lockAspiration (on/off) – Locks or unlocks the current sim’s aspiration level to the current value.
- aspirationPoints (x) – Replace (x) with a number and this will add that number of Aspiration Reward Points to that sim. Works in multiples of 10.
- clear – Clears all text in the cheat textbox.
- vsync (on/off) – Sets the vsync graphics option to on or off.
- aging (on/off) – Enables or disables Sims aging, growing up, and dying.
- agesimscheat (on/off) – Enables or disables the option to set a Sim’s age by clicking on them.
- maxmotives – Fills the need bars of every Sim in the current household.
- motivedecay (on/off) – Enables or disables the decay of a Sim’s need bars over time.
- addneighbourtofamilycheat (on/off) – Enables or disables the ability to add visiting sims to your current household. While On, simply click on a visiting Sim and the option should appear in the radial menu.
- unlockcareerrewards – Unlocks all the special items earned from reaching a high enough level in each career path.
- sethour (0-23) – Sets the current tim to the indicated hour of the day.
- exit – Closes cheat console.
There are also a number of other more technical, graphical, or just generally situational cheats you can use. You can also find a few more even more specialized codes over on the EA control guide.
- PlumbBobToggle – Toggles the green diamond icon above the selected Sim’s head. Don’t forget that it’s Plumb Bob not Plumbob.
- boolprop petsfreewill (true/false) – Enables or disables Pet free will.
- forcetwins – Selected pregnant Sim will give birth to twins.
- faceblendlimits (on/off) – Enables or disables limits to how facial animations blend.
- bugjartimedecay (on/off) – Enables or disables bugs in jars aging and eventually dying over time.
- showheadlines (on/off) – Enables or disables talk and thought icon above a Sim’s head.
- slowmotion (0-8) – Sets the game animation speed to the desired level, with 0 being normal.
- stretchskeleton (x) – Stretches a Sim by the factor written instead of (x). 1 is normal, while lower factors shrink the Sim and higher ones stretch them.
- boolprop guob (true/false) – Enables or disables shadows on indoor objects.
- boolprop objectShadows (on/off) – Enables or disables shadows on outdoor objects.
- boolprop locktiles (on/off) – Enables or disables placing tiles slightly outside a plot.
- boolprop lotTerrainPaints (on/off) – Enables or disables some textures on ground tiles.
- boolprop lotWater (on/off) – Toggles water and ponds on lots containing them.
- boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (on/off) – Enables or disables trees and plants in the neighbourhood and outside lots.
- boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (on/off) – Enables or disables neighborhood props like Stop Signs.
- boolprop displayLotImposters (on/off) – Enables or disables other houses viewable from plots.
- boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (on/off) – Enables or disables small, colored boxes indicating where Sims are looking.
- boolprop carsCompact (on/off) – Enables or disables low detail mode on cars.
- boolProp displayPaths (on/off) – Displays a Sim’s pathing.
- boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (on/off) – Shows or hides advanced information on a lot.
- bloom (RGB x) – Changes the bloom value of the graphics. Set R, G, or B (for Red, Green, and Blue) and then swap (x) for the desired value.
- boolProp enablePostProcessing (true/false) – Enables or disables post-processing effects.
- filmgrain (x) – Modifies the film grain effect on the screen by (x)
- changelotclassification (low/middle/high) – Changes how the lot is classified.
- changelotzoning (x) – Changes how a lot is zoned, replacing (x) with a tag like community, residential, etc.
- clearLotClassValue – Clears a lot’s value and resets flags.
- deleteAll(x) – Replace (x) with the desired object to delete all of them from a lot. options include awnings, fences, doors, walls, etc.
- deleteAllCharacters – Deletes all characters in a neighborhood while in Neighborhood Mode. Irreversible, but useful if you want to populate your neighborhood manually.
- disablePuppyKittenAging (on/off) – Enables or disables pets aging.
- roofSlopeAngle (x) – Changes the angle of roof slope to (x), with 45 being the default. Can also use individualRoofSlopeAngle.
- setHighestAllowedLevel (x) – Sets the maximum amount of floors that can be added to a house to (x).
The Sims 2: Legacy Collection is immediately available for PC via the EA Store, Epic Games Store, and Steam.
Published: Feb 5, 2025 04:15 pm