Android 11 recently began rolling out for smartphones but several devs of Japanese mobile games, including Fate/Grand Order, have asked players to hold off on the update for now.
For starters, here’s the important notice tweet from Fate/Grand Order:
「【重要】Android 11.0での動作について」のお知らせを掲載いたしました。Android端末をご利用のみなさまにおかれましては、必ずご確認いただきますようお願いいたします。詳しくは→— 【公式】Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject) September 9, 2020
Over at the game’s official website, the devs elaborated more that while Fate/Grand Order has supported the OS since Android 4.1, they’re currently identifying issues that come with Android 11.0. With that being said, those who already updated to Android 11 may experience issues, including the app not starting at all. The team is currently working on fixing the issues and will implement support for Android 11.0 in the next update.
今後配信が予定されておりますAndroid OS11にて、正常に起動しない問題が確認されており、アプリのバージョンアップにて解消を予定しております。
対応完了までアップデートはお控えいただくようお願い申し上げます。— ドラゴンクエストウォーク公式 (@DQWalk) September 9, 2020
Here’s one from the official Dragon Quest Walk Twitter account. The message states that the team has confirmed the issue of the app not starting up normally on Android 11. Square Enix suggests holding off on Android 11 until Dragon Quest Walk gets its next version update which will support the OS update.
本日23:25頃より実施の緊急メンテナンスは0:10に完了いたしました。ユーザーの皆様にはご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、改めてお詫び申し上げます。#FFBE幻影戦争— FFBE幻影戦争 公式 (@WOTV_FFBE) September 9, 2020
War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius already finished its update earlier this morning and the game appears to have ended its update for the Japanese client. There’s also a sticky on the War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exviusreddit with a PSA telling players to wait on the Android 11 upgrade along with a reminder to bind your account.
Several other Japanese mobile game devs have put up similar tweets about the Android 11 issue and fixes that are underway. This includes Ensemble Stars, Grimms Echoes, Symphogear, Toji no Miko, and a number of others. If you recently updated your phone to Android 11 and a game isn’t working, you can probably find more info on updates and fixes via official pages social networks.
Published: Sep 9, 2020 02:30 pm