The Monster Hunter Rise April Free Title Update will see the addition of several monsters to the game. The Chameleos and Apex Rathalos were previously revealed as upcoming inclusions. However, a few more monsters will appear in Monster Hunter Rise through this free title update. The Elder Dragons Teostra and Kushala Daora will appear in Monster Hunter Rise after people grab the patch.
This information was revealed during the latest Monster Hunter Risebroadcast. However, they won’t be the only monsters being added to the already robust roster of monsters. Players will be able to take on the Apex Diablos through the April Free Title Update. As always, players will be able to obtain armor sets from the Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Apex Diablos in Monster Hunter Rise through this update.
Additionally, players will see the removal the Hunter Rank cap with this update. You will be able to obtain Hunter Points by upgrading your Hunter Rank, which will allow you to access various new hunts. This includes single player only quests, Arena quests, and Rampage Quests. Players will also be able to create layered armor once they have unlocked their Hunter Rank cap.
The Monster Hunter Rise April Free Title Update will be roughly 0.9GB for players who have previously updated their game. However, if you haven’t yet downloaded any previous updates you’ll need to make sure you have 1.5GB available on your Switch to download it.
Monster Hunter Rise is immediately available for the Nintendo Switch. A PC version will appear sometime in early 2022.
Published: Apr 27, 2021 10:30 am