Image via Square Enix and Applibot

New Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis Chapter Released

Square Enix and Applibot updatedFinal Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, releasing a brand new chapter for the game alongside a number of limited time events and campaigns. Final Fantasy VII Chapter 4 “Cloud’s Memories” is now a part of the main story, and it covers Cloud’s memories of going to Nibelheim with Sephiroth.

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A new level limit has been added to the game, so players who had reached the cap can now continue to level their characters up to level 60.

The latest campaign titled “New Chapter Release Campaign” has begun as well. Players will receive ten (10) Draw Tickets for weapon draws to commemorate the release of FFVII Chapter 4. Metal Cactuars, a rare enemy, can now be encountered in Solo Content Enhancement Quests, Solo Content Summon Quests, and Co-op Content until November 26, 2023. Metal Cactuars that do not flee can also appear once a day in the Daily Quest from now until November 27, 2023. The New Chapter Release Training Campaign will also run through to November 26, 2023, allowing players to receive 30% extra EXP for Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII.

Finally, Mt. Nibel and Shinra Building: Very Hard have been added to the Crisis Dungeons. Players can play through these difficult dungeons to obtain Blue Crystal in-game currency as well as a new recipe for Materia Synthesis.

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is currently playable on iOS and Android devices. FFVII Ever Crisis will be coming soon to PC through Steam.

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Arielle Haddad
Arielle is a freelance writer for Siliconera, but has served as the Senior News Editor at Kingdom Hearts Insider for over a decade and currently freelances for Nova Crystallis. Has a knack for playing RPGs to exactly 80% completion before getting distracted by another one. When she isn't working as a government wheel turner by day, you can find her transforming into book-hoarding dragon by night.