The Blue Lions will be back with a roar in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, as the game’s official Twitter account shared a closer look at how Dimitri and Dedue will look in-game. Kaito Ishikawa (The Case Study of Vanitas, One Punch Man) and Hidenori Takahashi (Boruto, Fire Emblem Fates) will reprise their roles as Dimitri and Dedue, respectively.
Dimitri’s class in the game will be a High Lord, and he will use a spear. He imbues his strikes with Thunder magic and can affect enemies with electricity when he hits them. Additionally, electrocuted enemies can pass this status ailment onto others they run into. Compared to Dimitri’s time-skip look in the original Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, his hair is shorter and his bangs are pushed out of his face.
【#ディミトリ ×ハイロード】
ディミトリは攻撃に雷属性を帯び、対象を感電状態にします。感電した敵は、吹き飛ばすことで周囲に放電しダメージを与え、更に感電状態を伝播させます。#FE無双風花雪月#FE無双— 『ファイアーエムブレム無双 風花雪月』公式 (@FireEmblemMusou) May 11, 2022
Dedue will appear as an Armored Knight in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and like in the original game, he can protect his allies. He will fight with an axe and a shield, and can charge up his attacks to deal more damage. He can also attack in a wide circle around him with his charged blows and blow away his enemies.
【#ドゥドゥー ×アーマーナイト】
ドゥドゥーは力を溜めることで爆発を伴う一撃を繰り出すことが可能。広範囲をまとめて吹き飛ばします。#FE無双風花雪月#FE無双— 『ファイアーエムブレム無双 風花雪月』公式 (@FireEmblemMusou) May 11, 2022
Nintendo first announced Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes during its February 2022 Nintendo Direct. The game will be the hack-and-slash sequel to Fire Emblem: Three Houses, starring a new protagonist Shez. During the initial trailer, we could see the new looks for characters such as Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude.
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes will come out on the Nintendo Switch on June 24, 2022.
Published: May 12, 2022 05:00 am