Square Enix Files Trademark for 4 YoRHa in Europe

On April 19, 2022, Square Enix filed a trademark for 4 YoRHa in Europe. Additionally, on the same day as the 4 YoRHa trademark, Square Enix also filed a trademark for Triangle Strategy in Europe. However, it should be noted that 4 YoRHa is the name of a series of DLC that was available in NieR Replicant. This DLC allowed consumers to access NieR: Automata-inspired costumes. More information about the filing of these trademarks could appear in the future.

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During the NieR: Automata 5th anniversary event, Square Enix announced the production of an anime based on the game. A short trailer was provided alongside the announcement. However, it simply provided a look at the potential art style for the anime. No animation was shown. The NieR: Automata anime was announced to be in production in February 2022.

Since the release of NieR: Automata, the series has found success. This success has produced a remaster of NieR Replicant and the mobile title NieR Re[in]carnation. The remaster featured new visuals, an overhaul of the combat system to make it more fluid, and an entirely new ending. NieR Re[in]carnation is a mobile game that has featured established characters from the NieR franchise. However, it includes entirely new characters and is told in short storybook-like chapters.

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Kazuma Hashimoto
Senior staff writer, translator and streamer, Kazuma spends his time playing a variety of games ranging from farming simulators to classic CRPGs. Having spent upwards of 6 years in the industry, he has written reviews, features, guides, with work extending within the industry itself. In his spare time he speedruns games from the Resident Evil series, and raids in Final Fantasy XIV. His work, which has included in-depth features focusing on cultural analysis, has been seen on other websites such as Polygon and IGN.