Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Update Will Add Strea and Philia

Philia and Strea will soon join Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris according to a new trailer. Bandai Namco also provided new key art, details about the 1.5 game update, and announced a new DLC pack called “Mysotis.” [Thanks, Twinfinite!]

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Both of the new companions are available to use in the 1.5 content update and will remain usable through future updates. Philia has appeared in other SAO games, including Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, and Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet as one of the main heroines. Strea, meanwhile, was a main character in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment and Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment. Both characters used different avatars across the games. The  Alicization Lycoris versions use their avatars from Hollow Fragment.


A new series of story quests launched in Alicization Lycoris with the Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods add-on. The 1.3 update contained a second Ancient Apostles quest called The Knight of Contradictions. Each of the add-ons features a past Sword Art Online heroine. The series will continue with future updates.

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A demo for the game allows players to experience the first chapter.

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Benjamin Maltbie
Benjamin is a staff writer from Upstate New York who has spent the past five years learning to survive the summers of Phoenix, Arizona. When he isn't playing video games, he is rambling at length about tabletop RPGs or diving down rabbit holes on Wikipedia. He has been writing about video games for the last twelve years and can't imagine stopping anytime soon.