Several Nintendo smartphone games are on the rise with titles such as Dragalia Lost which recently launched, Super Mario Run, and Fire Emblem Heroes that is getting version 3.0 around the end of the year.
The Eevee Pokemon Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp event items include Eevee clothing and furniture for Poke Balls and Bells and Poke Ball furniture for Leaf Tickets.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has reached a total of $50,000,000 in revenue according to the latest estimates, being the third Nintendo mobile game to reach the milestone.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will allow people to have level 25 friendships with animals and employ new sorting options when its 1.6.0 patch is released.
To conclude the financial results briefing for fiscal year ended March 2018, Nintendo shared performance updates on its current smartphone games and plans for what’s to come.