One of Microsoft’s CES announcements leaked on to the Internet early. In a video interview posted early on the Channel 9 developer community site, Robbie Bach describes the Xbox Game Room.
Let me preface this playtest by saying that I have never played Escape from Butcher Bay. It’s not that the game sounded bad. I completely believe all the praise it gets in gaming circles, but I’m just not that much of a stealthy person.
The Ghostbusters were hiring and I joined the team as a nameless rookie. My job was to trap ghosts and test equipment. Handing untested weapons to a trainee? Is Dr. Spengler serious?
Atari used to be the go to publisher for Dragon Ball games in North America. Not any more! Moving forward, Namco Bandai is the worldwide publisher for all games related to the anime series.
Atari and synesthesia video game studio Q Entertainment announced QJ, a Wii title almost six months ago. After the initial blip both companies haven't said anything about it, but development appears to be progressing.
Sony is now publishing the Ghostbusters game instead of Atari in Europe. The PS3 and PS2 versions of the game will ship on June 19 alongside the Blu-ray release of the movie as planned. A PSP version is now also in development scheduled to ship in autumn 2009.
Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces priced at $69.95 AUD has popped up on the websites of several Australian retailers. While the boxart for the listing is the original Japanese, it could be a placeholder. The interesting part, though, is that Atari is listed as the publisher.