Jiro Ishii, creator of the perfect scoring visual novel 428, is now working at Level 5 on Time Travelers. Ishii is also quite active on Twitter and game blog Hachimaki caught this interesting tweet.
Everyone’s favorite finger pointing attorney makes an appearance in Capcom’s 2010 adventure game, Ghost Trick. You can see Phoenix Wright dressed in his standard blue suit in a trailer.
Capcom’s Phoenix Wright WiiWare port has at least one nifty new feature. You can imitate Phoenix Wright’s finger pointing by swinging the Wii remote to present evidence.
During our interview with Motohide Eshiro, Producer of Ace Attorney Investigations, we asked him how the project got started and why changed the gameplay rather than making the obvious spin off where players try courtroom battles as Edgeworth.
Miles Edgeworth is the lead character in Ace Attorney Investigations. His name is even in the title as a key selling point for fans, but it wasn’t always that way. At one time Capcom considered using Ema Skye as the lead...