Forensics is one of the six medical specialties featured in Trauma Team. While Atlus’ team in Japan is developing the game, a request from Atlus USA inspired this addition.
Dr. Gabriel Cunningham is the Dr. House of the Trauma Team hospital. By using tools like CAT scans and watching his patients like a hawk, Cunningham’s job is to deduce what ails anyone that steps into his office even if they don’t want him to do so.
Two things that usually don’t go together do when Atlus is involved. This media blend covers Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey for the Nintendo DS and Trauma Team for Wii.
Trauma Team has an expected delivery date of April 20, 2010. Click on if you ever wondered what life is like producing voiceover work. The news came with an inside look at PCB Productions.
Atlus wants us to remind us Trauma Team isn’t Trauma Center 3: Guilt’s Revenge. Their upcoming medical drama game has procedures other than surgery to master.
Atlus announced Trauma Team with the tag line "six doctors, six specialities". Since there wasn't much info I asked Yu Namba, Project Lead at Atlus, to tell us more about Trauma Team before it comes out on the Wii next spring.