Nintendo has released Ver. 2.1.0 for Tetris 99, which adds a new Team Battle mode where players can split into up to four different elemental-themed teams (Fire, Grass, Water, Electric) and take on the other teams.
One thing about the new mode is that instead of the usual ‘Random’, ‘Badges’, and ‘KO’ options, you can now target specific teams instead. The ‘Counter’ option remains intact.
Version 2.1.0 also adds new button config options, user emblems, and an option to redeem four themes from past Maximus Cup competitions. So if you missed the Game Boy theme, Pokemon Sword & Shield theme, or Kirby theme, you can redeem these using in-game tickets.
While not officially announced, Ver. 2.1.0 also adds in a Password system that allows you to join up with people you want to play with. Combined with the Team system, you can create some truly amazing situations:
9 5 対 1#テトリス
— さいしょ (@saisyo_XX) December 11, 2019
The 10th Maximus Cup will be focused around this new mode, with the top 999 players receiving 999 My Nintendo Gold Points each, with points awarded based on the rank in each Team Battle. The 10th Maximus Cup begins on 12/12, at 11pm PT.
Tetris 99 is available on Nintendo Switch for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.
Published: Dec 11, 2019 08:30 am