It’s almost September, which leaves just a few weeks until it’s time for Netflix to begin airing its Dragon’s Dogma anime. The CG animated series based on Capcom’s sleeper hit action RPG is being adapted by Japanese production studio Sublimation, Inc., and the show’s first trailer was just dropped on Twitter:
When you fight a monster, you may become one too. Check out the trailer for Dragon's Dogma, the anime adaptation of Capcom's action fantasy hit arriving September 17th.
— NX (@NXOnNetflix) August 25, 2020
The trailer opens with a brief description of the Dragon’s Dogma anime premise, which follows the game’s fairly closely. The protagonist (named Ethan, based on Netflix placeholder pages for the show revealed in July 2020) loses his heart to the titular dragon. The attack also costs Ethan his family, and naturally, this triggers a quest for vengeance, as well as retrieving his stolen heart.
As in the game, the Dragon’s Dogma anime trailer also shows Ethan being exhorted by the dragon itself. It awaits Ethan in its lair for reasons unrevealed. Ethan also engages with one of the game’s key features: Its Pawn system. In the game, Pawns served as AI companions that were highly customizable. Pawns could be leveled up, equipped, and filled out the Arisen’s party. Players could “hire” the Pawns of other players online, and those Pawns would learn from their journeys with their temporary masters. Playing the game it wasn’t uncommon to see your own Pawn return with new equipment, capabilities, or even game knowledge after a few sessions with strangers.
In the Dragon’s Dogma anime, Ethan summons a young woman Pawn from a Rift Stone. He names his new, bow-wielding partner “Hannah”, after his mother. Unfortunately, Hannah is not given enough airtime in the trailer to remind the Arisen that wolves hunt in packs.
The Dragon’s Dogma anime will air on Netflix globally on September 17, 2020.
Published: Aug 25, 2020 11:30 am