Updated: November 21, 2024
We added more codes!
If you’re looking for a multiplayer game similar to Destiny, only with dampened gunplay and a storyline more convoluted than a plate of spaghetti, you’re in the right place! Despite its drawbacks, Warframe’s X factor helps the game maintain a solid and steady player base from the very start.
Like in most modern multiplayer games, grinding is the key component in the early stages, and you’ll need to roll up your sleeves if you plan on getting the best gear. With Warframe codes, you can trim some of that playtime while also adding a few cosmetics to decimate enemies as stylishly as possible. If you wish to redeem rewards in another massively popular online game, stop by our Honkai Star Rail Codes article and collect goodies without delay.
All Warframe Codes List
ActiveWarframe Codes
- MOVEMBER2024: Movember Glyph
- QUADLYSTOP: Quadlystop Glyph
- JUSTHAILEY: Justhailey Glyph
- KYAII: Kyaii Glyph
- OTTOFYRE: Ottofyre Glyph
- RETROALCHEMIST: Retroalchemist Glyph
- WARFRAMEFLO: Warframe flo Glyph
- PHONGFU: Phongfu Glyph
- CODOMA: Codoma Glyph
- THEPANDA: Thepandan8 Glyph
- XBOCCHANVTX: Bocchan_vt Glyph
- PYRRHICSERENITY: Pyrrhocsereity Glyph
- CARCHARA: Carchara Glyph
- LIGHTMICKE: Ligh_micke Glyph
- NOMNOM: Nomnom12 Glyph
- MJIKTHIZE: Mjikthize Glypj
- OZKU: Ozku Glyph
- DESTROHIDO: Destrohido Glyph
- IM7HECLOWN: Im7heclown Glyph
- CANOFCRAIG: Canofcraig Glyph
- NP161: NP161 Glyph
- 6IXGATSU: 6ixgatsu Glyph
- LADYNOVITA: Ladynovita Glyph
- FERREUSDEMON: Ferreusdemon Glyph
- VASHKA: Vashka Glyph
- SILVERVALE: Silvervale Glyph
- KIRDY: Kirdy Glyph
- DARIKAART: Darikaart Glyph
- DEATHMAGGOT: Deathma666ot Glyph
- FATEDSCHRONICLES: Fatedchronicles Glyph
- NELOSART: Nelosart Glyph
- RIKENZ: Rikenz Glyph
- CONQUERA2024: Conquera Glyph VI and Conquera Glyph VII
- DAIDAIKIRI: Daidaikiri Glyph
- WEALWEST: Wealwest Glyph
- TORTOISE: Wd_tortoise Glyph
- PRIDE2024: Pride Glyph III, Pride Display III, and Neon Pride Wings
- PLEXICOSPLAY: Plexicosplay Glyph
- LIGHTNINGCOSPLAY: Lightnightcosplay Glyph
- BUFF00N: Buff00n Glyph
- AKARI: Akari_ayataka Glyph
- SEARYN: Searyn Glyph
- SPANDY: Spandy Glyph
- SCALLION: Scallion Glyph
- MRROADBLOCK: Mrroadblock_ Glyph
- INFERNOTHEFIRELORD: Infernothefirelord Glyph
- FR4G-TP: Fr4g-Tp Glyph
- ETERION: Eterion Glyph
- CROWDI: Crowdi Glyph
- BLUYAYOGAMER: Bluyayogamer Glyph
- BLAZINGCOBALT: Blazingcobalt Glyph
- CONFUSEDWARFRAME: Confusedwarframe Glyph
- SPACEWAIFU: Spacewaifu Glyph
- PAPATLION: Papatlion Glyph
- FINLAENA: Finlaena Glyph
- ARGONSIX: ArgonSix Glyph
- SILENTMASHIKO: Silentmashiko Glyph
- MRWARFRAMEGUY: Mrwarframeguy Glyph
- LILLEXI: LIL Lexi Glyph
- YOURLUCKYCLOVER: Yourluckylover Glyph
- VASHCOWAII: Vash Cowaii Glyph
- VARLINATOR: Varlinator Glyph
- TWILA: Twila Glyph
- THEKENGINEER: Kengineer Glyph
- STR8OPTICROYAL: Str8opticroyal Glyph
- SIEJOUMBRA: Siejoumbra Glyph
- SCARLETMOON: Scarletmoon Glyph
- PURPLEFLURP: Purpleflurp Glyph
- PURKINJE: Purkinje Glyph
- PRIMEDAVERAGE: Primed_average Glyph
- POKKETNINJA: Pokketninja Glyph
- OOSIJ: Oosij Glyph
- HAPPINESSDARK: Happinessdark Glyph
- EMPYREANCAP: Empyreancap Glyph
- DATLOON: Datloon Glyph
- CONCLAVEDISCORD: Conclave Discord Glyph
- COLDTIGER: Coldtiger Glyph
- COLDSCAR: Coldscar Glyph
- CHELESTRA: Chelestra Glyph
- CASARDIS: Casardis Glyph
- BLACKONI: Blackoni Glyph
- ASURATENSHI: Asuratenshi Glyph
- EMOVJ: Emovj Glyph
- PARVOS: Golden Hand Decoration
- ADMIRALBAHROO: Admiral Bahroo Glyph
- AEONKNIGHT86: Aeonknight86 Glyph
- ALAINLOVE: Alainlove Glyph
- ALEXANDERDARIO: Alexanderdario Glyph
- AMPROV: Goku707 Glyph
- ANGRYUNICORN: Angry Unicorn Glyph
- ANJETCAT: Anjecat Glyph
- ANNOYINGKILLAH: Annoying Killah Glyph
- ASHISOGITENNO:Ashisogi Tenno Glyph
- AVELNA: Avelna Glyph
- AZNITROUS: aznitrous Glyph
- BIGJIMID: BigJimID Glyph
- BRAZILCOMMUNITYDISCORD: Brazilian Community Discord Glyph
- BRICKY: Bricky Glyph
- BROZIME: Brozime Glyph
- BURNBXX: Burnbxx Glyph
- BWANA: Bwana Glyph
- CALEYEMERALD: Caleyemerald Glyph
- CEPHALONSQUARED: Cephalon Squared Glyph
- CGSKNACKIE: Cgs_knackie Glyph
- CHACYTAY: Chacytay Glyph
- CHAR: Char Glyph
- CLEONATURIN: Cleo Naturin Partner Glyph
- COHHCARNAGE: Cohhcarnage Glyph
- COPYKAVAT: Copykavat Glyph
- CPT_KIM: Cpt_kim Glyph
- DANIELTHEDEMON: Danieltheedmon Glyph
- DASTERCREATIONS: Dastercreations Glyph
- DAYJOBO: Dayjobo Glyph
- DEBBYSHEEN: Debbysheen Glyph
- DEEPBLUEBEARD: Deepbluebeard Glyph
- DEUCETHEGAMER: Deucethegamer Glyph
- DISFUSIONAL: Disfusional Glyph/
- DILLYFRAME: Dillyframe Glyph
- DIMITRIV2: Dimitriv2 Glyph
- DJTECHLIVE: Djtechlive Glyph
- DKDIAMANTES: Dkdiamantes Glyph
- DNEXUS: Dnexus Glyph
- EDUIY16: Edioy16 Glyph
- ELDANKER: D4nk3r Glyph
- ELGRINEEREXILIA: DO: El Grineer Exiliado Glyph
- ELICEGAMEPLAY:Elicegameplay Glyph
- ELNORAELEO: Elnoraeleo Glyph
- EXTRACREDITS: Extra Credits Glyph
- FACELESSBEANIE: Faceless Beanie Glyph
- FASHIONFRAMEISENDGAME: Fashion Frame Is Endgame Glyph
- FEELLIKEAPLAYER: Feellikeaplayer Glyph
- FLOOFYDWAGON: Floofy Dwagon Glyph
- FROSTYNOVAPRIME: Frostynovaprime Glyph
- FROZENBALLZ: Frozenbaws Glyph
- GARA: Gara Glyph
- GERMANCOMMUNITYDISCORD: GermanCommunityDiscord Glyph
- GINGY: Gingy Glyph
- GLAMSHATTERSKULL: GlamShatterSkull Glyph
- GOLDEN: Golden Glyph
- GRINDHARDSQUAD: GrindHardSquad Glyph
- H3DSH0T: H3DSH0T Glyph
- HOMIINVOCADO: Homiinvocado Glyph
- HOTSHOMSTORIES: HotShomStories Glyph
- HYDROXATE: Hydroxate Glyph
- IFLYNN: Iflynn Glyph
- IKEDO: Ikedo Glyph
- INFODIVERSAO: InfoDiversao Glyph
- IWOPLY: IWoply Glyph
- JAMIEVOICEOVER: JamieVoiceOver Glyph
- JESSITHROWER: JessiThrower Glyph
- JOEYZERO: JoeyZero Glyph
- JORIALE: Joriale Glyph
- JUSTRLC: JustRLC Glyph
- K1LLERBARBIE: K1llerBarbie Glyph
- KAVATSSCHROEDINGER: KavatsSchroedinger Glyph
- KINGGOTHALION: KingGothaLion Glyph
- KIRARAHIME: Kirarahime Glyph
- KIWAD: Kiwad Glyph
- KR1PTONPLAYER: Kr1ptonPlayer Glyph
- KRETDUY: Kretduy Glyph
- LADYTHELADDY: LadyTheLaddy Glyph
- LEODOODLING: LeoDoodling Glyph
- LEYZARGAMINGVIEWS: LeyzarGamingViews Glyph
- L1FEWATER: L1fewater Glyph
- LYNXARIA: Lynxaria Glyph
- MACHO: Macho Glyph
- MADFURY: Madfury Glyph
- MAKARIMORPH: Makarimorph Glyph
- MCGAMERCZ: Mcgamercz Glyph
- MCMONKEYS: MC Monkeys Glyph
- MHBLACKY: Mhblacky Glyph
- MICHELPOSTMA: Michel Postma Glyph
- MIKETHEBARD: Mikethebard Glyph
- MISSFWUFFY: Missfwuffy Glyph
- MOGAMU: Mogamu Glyph
- MRSTEELWAR: Mrsteelwar Glyph
- NOSYMPATHYY: Nosympathyy Glyph
- ODDIEOWL: Oddieowl Glyph
- ORIGINALWICKEDFUN: Originalwickedfun Glyph
- ORPHEUSDELUXE: Orpheus Deluxe Glyph
- PAMMYJAMMY: Pammy Jammy Glyph
- POSTITV: Positv Glyph
- PYRAH: Pyrah Glyph
- PROFESSORBROMAN: Professorbroman Glyph
- RAGINGTERROR: Ragingteror Glyph
- RAHETALIUS: Rahetalius Glyph
- RAINBOWWAFFLES: Rainbowwaffles Glyph
- RELENTLESSZEN: Relentless Zen Glyph
- REYGANSO: Reyganso Glyph
- RIPPZ0R: Rippz0r Glyph
- RITENS: Ritens Glyph
- ROYALPRAT: Royalprat Glyph
- RUSTYFIN: Rustyfin Glyph
- R/WARFRAME: Reddit Glyph
- SAPMATIC: Sapmatic Glyph
- SARAHTSANG: Sarah Tsang Glyph
- SERDARSARI: Serdarsari Glyph
- SHARLAZARD: Sharlazard Glyph
- SHENZHAO: Shenzhao Glyph
- SHERPA: Sherparage Glyph
- SHUL: Shul Glyph
- SILLFIX: Sillfix Glyph
- SKILLUP: Skillup Glyph
- SMOODIE: Smoodie Glyph
- SN0WRC: Sn0wrc Glyph
- STRIPPIN: Strippin Glyph
- STUDIOCYEN: Studiocyen Glyph
- TACTICALPOTATO: Tacticalpotato Glyph
- TANANDRA: Free Rewards
- TANCHAN: Tanchan Glyph
- TBGKARU: Tbg Karu Glyph
- TINBEARS: Tinbears Glyph
- TEAWREX: TeaWrex Glyph
- TENNOFOREVER: Tennoforever Glyph
- THEGAMIO: Thegamio Glyph
- TIOMARIO: Tiomario Glyph
- TIORAMON: Tioramon Glyph
- TOTALN3WB: Totan3wb Glyph
- TRASHFRAME: Trash Frame Glyph
- TRIBUROS: Triburos Glyph
- UNREALYUKI: Unrealyuki Glyph
- VAMP6X6X6X: Warframe Madness Glyph
- VERNOC: Vernoc Glyph
- VOIDFISSUREBR: VOidfissurebr Glyph
- VOLI: Voli Glyph
- VOLTTHEHERO: Voltthehero Glyph
- VVHITEANGEL: Vvhite Angel Glyph
- WANDERBOTS: Wanderbots Glyph
- WARFRAMECOMMUNITYDISCORD: Warframe Community Discord Glyph
- WARFRAMERUNWAY: Warframe Runway Glyph
- WARFRAMEWIKI: Warframe Wiki Glyph
- WIDESCREENJOHN: Widescreenjohn Glyph
- WOXLI: Woxli Glyph
- XENOGELION: Xenogelion Glyph
- XXVAMPIXX: Xxvampixx Glyph
- ZARIONIS: Zarionis Glyph
- ZXPFER: Zxpfer Glyph
ExpiredWarframe Codes
- PRIDE2023
- IISlip
- HokuProps
- Conquera2023
Related:Warhammer 40k Tacticus Codes
How to Redeem Codes in Warframe
Here’s the quickest and easiest method of redeeming Warframe codes:
- Visit the Warframe Promo Code webpage.
- Click the Log In button (1) to access your account.
- Type in an active code into the Promo Code text field (2).
- Complete the CAPTCHA.
- Click Submit Code (3) to redeem the code.
How to Get More Warframe Codes
If you want to grab the latest Warframe codes at any time, this is the place to do so. Simply bookmark this guide and check back often while we scour the web in search of new codes and add them to our list as soon as possible.
If you want to keep up with the player community, new updates, and other game-related info, visit these socials:
- Warframe Forum
- Play Warframe Discord Server
- Warframe Twitch channel
- Warframe X profile (@playwarframe)
Why Are My Warframe Codes Not Working?
So, you went to the Warframe code redemption page, typed in a code, and clicked the Submit button, but you received an error message. No need to panic! Firstly, remember to complete the reCAPTCHA test and check the box afterward. Second, refrain from redeeming too many codes in a short period, or else you’ll need to wait a few hours for the cooldown period to end. Last, but not least, make sure that some of the codes you’re trying to redeem aren’t on the expired list. We hope this advice will prove helpful.
Other Ways to Get Free Rewards in Warframe
Warframe resembles Destiny in so many ways, all the way down to its grindy aspects. Therefore, the best way to earn rewards is to progress through the game’s missions, take advantage of in-game events, and team up with other players for increased chances of success. Also, consider joining a clan or forming your own clan to complete quests alongside your friends because it’s worth it for the fun factor alone!
What Is Warframe?
Warframe is an online action RPG shooter set in the dystopian future, where you play the role of a member of an ancient warrior race known as Tenno. After being awakened from a millennial slumber, you must reclaim your species’ former colonies and reestablish dominance over the Solar System. Learn the ways of the Orokin and defeat the remaining factions to fulfill your destiny!
Make sure to explore the rest of our Codes section and collect more goodies in other popular games!
Published: Nov 21, 2024 01:43 pm