We mentioned the awesomeness of Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga before and I’m not changing my tune especially after seeing this preview video. The battle scenes look really similar to Namco X Capcom, which makes sense since Monolith Soft is acting as the developer.
Renji, Xiaomu and KOS-MOS, the trio of shoved in cameo characters, are prominently featured in the preview video. However, KOS-MOS is “different” from Xenosaga. Look closely at what happens when she uses her beam attack around the 3:40 mark. Didn’t she… uhh… fire the laser out of her abdomen area? Even though Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga has unnecessary android sexuality, I’m looking forward to more button mashing S-RPG combat when this comes out on May 29. Are you?
Published: Apr 2, 2008 06:00 am