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Where to Find Black Lotus in Longvinter

If you ever wanted Animal Crossing to adopt a survivalist gameplay attitude, then you’ll have a ton of fun with Longvinter. Your mission is to create a thriving base by collecting an array of resources through farming, fishing, and mining.

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There are 30 plants to collect for the compendium. The black lotus is arguably the most challenging plant to find in Longvinter, as it only grows in one spot, and the location is far away from any outpost (unless you are lucky enough to obtain black lotus seeds by opening cargo boxes, of course). Fortunately, there is a simple route you can follow that will directly take you to the location of the black lotus. However, you must make a few preparations before heading off.

Where Can I Buy a Satellite Communicator in Longvinter?

As we mentioned above, getting to the location of the black lotus is simple enough if you carry the right items and resources. The first preparation you’ll want to make is to purchase the satellite communicator at the orange vending machine in the Sgt. Lake outpost. If you equip this item onto your character, the top right-hand corner will tell you the coordinates at which you are currently standing. This will be incredibly helpful in keeping track of where you are. It will cost you 819mk to acquire the satellite communicator. You will also want to stack a lot of eatable foods to replenish your energy, as this route will require you to swim to different islands. 

Where Can I Find The Black Lotus in Longvinter?

Now that you’ve made all the arrangements needed, you are ready to travel to the location of the black lotus. Head to the Sgt. Lake outpost and go to the spot where the two fish are circulating in the water. For reference, the coordinates should be 14S, 7W. Jump into the water and swim to the island on the left.

Once you are on the island, travel left until you are near another seaside area, which should be at coordinates 23S, 18W. Go into the water again and keep swimming downward until you reach another island, where the black lotus is located.

You will need your energy maxed out to get to the other side, so ensure you have fully restored your energy before attempting this. You should be at coordinates 32S, 15W when you finally reach the island. On top of the hill, you will find the black lotus. This is also a great location to pick up cabbages, so if you’re running low on food supplies, stock up here. When you have picked up the black lotus, backtrack on yourself and make sure you have enough food to replenish your energy. When returning to the Sgt. Lake outpost, swim towards the campfire, as you can step onto the land from there.

Longvinter is now available on PC.

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