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Which Undermine Cartel Should You Join in World of Warcraft? — All Reputation Rewards

If you’re gonna be poking around in the Undermine in World of Warcraft: The War Within, you best buddy up with one of four goblin cartels to earn rewards. This guide contains everything you need to know about the Undermine cartels, including all rewards, which cartel is the best, and how to work for them.

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What are Undermine cartels in World of Warcraft?

The goblins of the Undermine are ruled by four cartels: Bilgewater, Steamwheedle, Blackwater, and Venture Company. Shortly after you arrive in Undermine, you’ll be able to pick which cartel to side with for the week.

“Once you pick a cartel, World Quests that increase reputation with your chosen cartel will appear in Undermine.” Like a true goblin, I bet you’re wondering, “What’s in it for me?” Rewards, of course! Each cartel has unique cosmetic rewards on offer, such as mounts, pets, toys, and G99-Breakneck customization parts.

How to choose an Undermine cartel in World of Warcraft

To choose your Cartel, speak to Kaydee Racketring in Undermine’s Incontinental Hotel and select “I’m ready to sign a contract.”

Once you choose a cartel, you’re stuck with them until the following weekly reset (Tuesday in NA and Wednesday in EU). When a new week begins, you can choose to continue working with your chosen cartel or pick a new one.

Which cartel should you choose?

Unlike choosing a Pact in the last patch, none of the Undermine cartels offer any gameplay advantages. The choice is purely down to cosmetic rewards — all of which are listed below.

Since you can choose a cartel each week, you can eventually earn every reward. But no double dipping! Your choice applies to your entire Warband (account) until the next weekly reset, with no way to switch until then.

All Bilgewater Cartel rewards

Players who align with the Bilgewater Cartel can get their mitts on an armored Hyena mount, a clockwork goblin pet, and red paint for their G99-Breakneck. Despite being allied with the Horde, Alliance players are free to choose Bilgewater.

Bilgewater vendor location

The Bilgewater Quartermaster is Rocco Razzboom in The Scrapshop within Bilgewater Flats.
TomTom coordinates: /way 39.14 22.02

All Steamwheedle rewards

Choose the Steamwheedle Cartel, and you’ll be able to purchase green paint for your G-99 Breakneck, a permanent Noggenfogger Elixir, a baby hyenapet, and a green flying machine mount.

Steamwheedle Cartel vendor location

The Steamwheedle Quartermaster is Lab Assistant Laszly in The Vatworks.
TomTom coordinates:/way 27.19 72.49

All Blackwater Cartel rewards

Buddy up with the Blackwater Cartel to earn a personal fishing raft toy, a modified blue shredder mount, a robot dinosaur pet, and blue paint for your ride.

Blackwater vendor location

The Blackwater vendor is Boastwain Hardee in Port Authority within Blackwater Marina.
TomTom Coordinates: /way 63.36 16.78

All Venture Company rewards

Siding with the seedy Venture Co. can earn you a yellow rocket mount, a robot-gorillaplushie pet, and yellow paint for your D.R.I.V.E. The Undermine Venture vendor is always happy to serve, regardless of how many Venture goons you’ve slain on past adventures.

Venture Company vendor location

The Venture Quartermaster is Shredz the Scrapper in Venture Plaza.
TomTom Coordinates: /way 53.16 72.74

World of Warcraft and The War Within expansion are available on PC and Mac.

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Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas has been writing about gaming professionally for over three years, and yapping about them unprofessionally since first picking up a Sega Genesis controller. Beyond his work at Siliconera, Thomas has contributed to gaming outlets such as PC Invasion, Attack of the Fanboy, and Gfinity. When he's not writing, you can find him pointing at an unknown object over on his Facebook page with over 152,000 followers.