Wild Arms Lives On As Soul Sacrifice Delta Accessories

This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

While we’re waiting for that newWild Arms game, here’s something to tide fans over. Soul Sacrifice Deltawill have a crossover with Sony’s wild west RPG series. Accessories like Rudy Roughknight’s hair and bandanna, Kanon’s eye patch, and Fereydoon’s helmet.

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Rudy Roughknight hairstyle & bandanna from Wild Arms

Lady Harken’s helmet from Wild Arms Alter Code: F

Yulie Ahtreide’s hairstyle & ribbon from Wild Arms 4

Fereydoon’s helmet from Wild Arms 5

Wonder Witch Maya Schroedinger’s hair style and hat from Wild Arms 3

Kanon’s eyepatch from Wild Arms 2

Alexia Lynn Elesius’s hat from Wild Arms XF

Lord Blazer’s mask from Wild Arms 2


In addition to these items, Sony will take requests from fans about which Wild Arms accessories they want to see in Soul Sacrifice Delta.

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