Acquire also picked up the rights to Wizardry. Yeah, the classic PC RPG series. While mostly forgotten in the West, Wizardry has a cult following in Japan.
Acquire understands this and are commissioning Wizardry: Torawareshi Damashii no Meikyou (Wizardry: Dungeon of Imprisoned Souls) for the PlayStation 3. The official site is bereft of details, but Yahoo Japan seems to know something about the game.
According to their PlayStation 3 release calendarWizardry: Dungeon of the Imprisoned Souls is slated to come out this fall in Japan as a downloadable game available on the PlayStation Store.
No announcements have been made about a Western release, but Atlus USA worked on a Wizardry game, deal with Acquire, and are aggressively pursuing downloadable games.
Published: Aug 3, 2009 05:00 pm